School Examination Details
Practice Exams
There are practice external examinations in Term 3.
Morning examinations start at 9am and afternoon examinations start at 1pm.
Practice Exams dates are shown on the school calendar. Year 11 to 13 students are not required to be at school during this week except when they have an examination. You are required to wear your uniform while attending examinations.
Bring your own equipment into the exam room in a clear plastic bag. You can take:
a clear water bottle
pens (permissible colours are black and blue), pencils and an eraser
an approved calculator for subjects where you have used a calculator during the year.
Calculators must be silent, hand-held, non-printing and work from their own power. You cannot keep notes or routines in the calculator memory.
Teachers will clear the calculator memory before you enter an exam room.
Do not bring the following items into the exam room:
blank paper or refill paper
correcting fluid
books, written notes or electronic notes
cell phones or pagers
English dictionaries, foreign language dictionaries, or te reo Māori dictionaries or translators
any electronic devices except approved calculators.
In the exam room:
At all times, listen to and follow the instructions of the supervisor
If you have any problems put up your hand
You cannot leave in the first 45 minutes or the last 15 minutes of the examination, even to use the toilet
During the examination:
Do not borrow equipment from someone else
Do not talk to, communicate with, or do anything to disturb other candidates
Do not read or copy another candidate's work
Writing your answers:
Follow all the instructions on the front cover of the exam booklet
Use only black or blue pen. Do not write in pencil unless instructed to do so
Write neatly, so the marker can read your answers
Cross out any work you do not want marked
Do not write or draw anything that may be regarded as offensive
Do not write to the marker or write in the part of the answer booklet 'For assessor's use only'
Do not write your answers for one standard in the answer booklet for another. If you have filled up your answer booklet, you may request extra paper
Fill in your details at the top of any additional sheets of paper provided and put them inside the answer booklet
At the end of the examination:
Stop writing/typing when the supervisor tells you to.
Hand all material to be marked to the supervisor before you leave. If you take any work outside the examination room, it will not be marked.
Note: Leaving a paper blank when it is part of your scheduled examination creates a Not Achieved grade for reporting and NZQA derived grade purposes.